Almost 3 months, but not quite.

Just wanted to share a few more recent pictures and fun times we’ve had with Alma this week! Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Playing soccer already!

Playing soccer already!

Multi-tasking....Practicing her kicks and bubble blowing at the same time!

Multi-tasking….Practicing her kicks and bubble blowing at the same time!

Big eyes! (stil blue!)

Big eyes! (stil blue!)

Holding up her head, wanting to rollover SOOO bad!

Holding up her head, wanting to rollover SOOO bad!

Sucking on Daddy's arm, Where's the paci???

Sucking on Daddy’s arm, Where’s the paci???

Escape Artist- guess it's time to buckle her in!

Escape Artist- guess it’s time to buckle her in!

Morning smiles!

Morning smiles!

Play time!

Play time!

Tummy time!

Tummy time!

Honeymoon is over….

So today we started back to work…..

I think it has been bittersweet for both Dustin and I. We were so sad to leave our baby girl and will miss spending all day with her but it’s nice to get back in the groove of reality. I’m definitely going to miss all her happy morning’s but luckily she’s starting to be just as playful at night! She’s already 12 weeks and I can’t believe she’s grown as much as she has in just a short amount of time. She’s already getting close to growing out of some of her 3 month clothes!! She’s definitely a long baby, she someone go that from way down the gene line!

She’s started rolling over a little! She did it for the first time on my birthday WHEN I WASN’T THERE!!! Talk about missing a milestone! Luckily, she did it again last week for me to see! She’s pushing herself up like crazy during tummy time. She even now has started to try and wiggle out of her bouncy seat when she’s not strapped in. We really have to watch her in it or she’ll be out in a second! She is so talkative nowadays and gives us big gummy smiles all the time, they just melt our hearts!!

Here’s a few pictures of Alma’s first photoshoot with cousin Courtney!


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