8 Whole Months

Today is Alma’s 8 Month birthday! Can you believe it? It’s hard for me to believe that in 4 months she’ll be 1! I know that it’ll be here before we know it!!

She has grown so much over this past month and has gotten bigger by the day! She still loves to stand at the coffee table or pull herself up on anything including the sofa, dining room chairs, bar stools, her bouncy seat, crib, or even the floor lamp!

She is talking up a storm too! We can’t understand anything she says, but she still chats away. Some days she’s chattier than others. She’ll just babble away!  She loves to talk while she’s eating her yummy real foods. “Nom, Nom, Nom…” is what that often sounds like! I think she really means, “Yum, Yum, Yum, Mom!”.

We had a great October! Alma dressed as a cow for Halloween. I must admit, she was the cutest cow I’ve ever seen! We even had the opportunity to go trick-or-treating in our old neighborhood with some friends. Alma & her friend Scarlett rode around in the wagon and were the talk of the neighborhood for sure!

Here are some highlights and a few over due beach pictures!!!

Pulling Up

Pulling Up

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Much over due beach pictures!

Much over due beach pictures!

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Cow in the park

Cow in the park

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Kody- too good not to share!

Kody- too good not to share!




Kody enjoying the photo time with Alma

Kody enjoying the photo time with Alma

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8 month fall photos!

8 month fall photos!



Daddy & Alma playing

Daddy & Alma playing


Saturday Morning Play!

Saturday Morning Play!